Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why I'm Doing Yoga

I was complaining to my husband for a couple of days of a reoccurring back pain. My husband told me that if I want to have a healthy life I need to exercise. The last time I joined him for a jog I almost fainted after two rounds. This aching back made me realize that if I want to see my future kids grow up all the way through until they start having their own family I need to have a strong body to live long enough for them. After much researching I think I want to do a yoga exercise. I found a few beginner yoga poses to try in the internet and decided to give it a try. After a few minutes stretching and doing the poses I was relieved the pain was no longer bothering me. I've been doing yoga for four days now and I never felt better. To motivate me to do it everyday I think of the long term benefits of doing yoga which is more years to spend with my husband and future children.