About Me

Hi I'm Michelle and welcome to my blog! Dainty Wife was created when I was on "maternity" leave. No, I did not give birth it would have brought so much joy to us, instead we lost our baby. In a routine checkup the doctor could not find the heartbeat. No words can express how I am feeling, the pain, anger, hatred and depression. I asked God why this happened but really who am I to question Him. My family and friends kept saying that there is a good reason why it had to happen. I am in the process of accepting it fully Even though I do not understand it. This journal is about my journey as a (newlywed) wife, crafts / DIY, recipes, on living a healthy life, and all things pretty.

I actually began blogging in 2009 ( michelleslifeandmusing.blogspot.com ) and took a break in 2011 (I was having a hard time balancing work and updating my blog (read: do not know what to write.)

I live in Cebu, Philippines and works in a corporate world. During my free time I like doing crafts and making accessories / jewelry making. I also love doing party planning and mostly DIY.

I am adapting an organic lifestyle eliminating processed foods (2013) and in a process of going vegetarian (June 2013). I have not had red meat many years now mostly chicken and fish. It is a big challenge for me to prepare meals that are easy Because: 1 my husband is a meat eater. 2 I am below average in the kitchen.

I love calligraphy and is currently teaching myself through the help of Google but Eventually I will enroll in a class before 2013 ends.

I resigned from my 10 years & 10 months corporate job last August 2013. I also stop eating chicken and occasionally eat fish. Currently, finding ways to work again and find my purpose of living.

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