Thursday, June 27, 2013

Post Birthday Celebrated At Rafael's Farm

On my birthday last month, I was surprised by my best friend Abi, who came to visit me in Tacloban my hometown. It was a long travel since she will be coming from Davao due to work then fly to Manila then Tacloban. She arrived late around 10 pm  due to delayed flight. The following day instead of the usual tour around the city, well we don't have  nice parks yet and Manila have so many malls, we decided to go to Rafael's Farm a 45 mins away from the city. It's a lovely place actually. Fresh air,rice fields, ducks freely roaming around the farm,pond,fishes,and boat riding. Many are raving about this place and said a must place to visit when in Leyte. I agree.We arrived at the place nearly lunch and ordered our food.While waiting for our food,we decided to explore the place.

Corner of the restaurant. Antique images of Sacred Heart(?). Old sewing machine used as a corner table to display photos & antique vases.

Front of the restaurant. 


Ducks roaming around the farm.

Gazebo at our back. 

A swing. Memories of my childhood.

 Beautifully landscape. This  leads to their function area for special occasions.

 Cottage near the parking area.

Main entrance of the farm wherein you will see this arc covered with vines leading to the inside of the farm.

We did not try the boat riding because it was high noon and so hot. Maybe next time. I hope they will have fun activities such as fish feeding, Carabao riding among other things. 

Rafael's Farm is located in Babatngon Leyte. I would recommend to rent a car going there since it's a secluded place and jeepneys rarely passes by. It's a walk-in basis and opens at 10 in the morning. There's an entrance fee but if you dine in you just need it to present the receipt  to the guard on duty.

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