Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thankful For Being Alive

A7.1 magnitude earthquake hit our region last Oct. 15. I was sleeping when it happened. My husband and I ran as fast as we could to go outside our rented house. I was so afraid and shocked. It was a traumatic experience and we were not sleeping well for days especially during night time due to the strong aftershocks. I fear that our house would collapse on us. Thankfully there were only a few cracks on the surface unlike those of living in Bohol (the epicenter of the earthquake) wherein houses, roads, ,bridges and historical churches were totally destroyed, and many died. It was heartbreaking. 

We are  doing okay now but our people especially in Bohol are in need of help.  Various organizations are doing a lot to help our people. If you want to help please click here a  complied information on how to help

I  thank God that my husband and I are safe and still have a roof over our heads to sleep well and have something to eat. Everyday that we are alive is a gift and should be live to the fullest.

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