Monday, September 2, 2013

August highlights

Wow August is over already. How time flies. I need to catch up with my blogging it's been a while since I wrote my last post. I had a busy month I resigned from my corporate job of ten years. It was a sad and happy moment leaving my job. Anyway, here are some highlights of my August 2013:
  • Spent a day with my good friend Mariam and my god-child.
  • Organized the christening of my good friend's son. I made the invitations, rosary bracelets as favors, wish card and decorated the dessert table.
  • Our marriage turned one year. No fancy dinner or short trip since, it was also the baptism of my friend's son. We are planning a short trip somewhere in the next two months.
  • We had a birthday beach day celebration for my husband. I'm happy that he enjoyed,he was missing the beach for sometime now.
  • Made a few bracelet for my shop. Please visit my shop at facebook  
How was your August?

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