Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Marriage: Have A Weekly Date

I'm no expert on marriage since we've only been married for more than a year. We still have a long way to go and have a lot to learn. But if you want a happy marriage you need to make an effort. And so I came up with starting a Happy Marriage Series.

Have a weekly date / Continue to date. Once a week set a specific time and day wherein you can spend quality time together. It can be a dinner date. A walk in the park. Watch a film at home. Have coffee together. It need not be grand and expensive. The important thing is that you enjoy each other's presence. 

My husband is sweet and thoughtful. He was the one who made it sort of a tradition to have a weekly dates. Because maybe when we were newly married (a month or two) I was too busy with work and each time I am home I was too tired to talk the highlights of my day and much more no patience to listen to him. You could imagine the fights we had because of my selfishness and irritability. Now, I always look forward to our time together. From taking me out for dinner or lunch to just inside the comfort of our home having coffee. Because of our "dates" I came to know him better and we became much closer.

Your relationship will benefit from the quality time spent together because those dates will enrich and nurture your marriage.

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