Thursday, March 6, 2014

40 Days Of Passion

It's the time of the year that we (Catholics / Roman Catholics) observe Lent through prayer, fasting and abstinence.

Years back, during Lent season I would give up having sweet treats for 40 days straight as a sacrifice. A small act one would say but being a sweet-toothed person it was hard. I stay away from pastry shops and even coffee shops. I Learned self-control. But more than that I never really took the time to seek God and grow my relationship with Him. It is only now that I'm taking the time to develop a personal relationship with Him.  Fasting, abstinence and Lent traditions amounts to nothing if God is not our focus which is actually the essence of Lent.  

One of the ways to have a meaningful Lent is to read books related to Lent and Easter. One particular book I'm reading is 40 Days Of Passion by Bo SanchezThe book contains 40 inspiring stories of ordinary people. I'm reading one story a day for the next 40 days as recommended by the author. It's one way of spending time with God because at the end of the story there's a reflection and a prayer for each day, sort of a devotional book for 40 days.

You can buy the book at National Bookstore or any Christian bookstores or  Here .

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